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Interim management in industry enables us to support companies in their transformation, at key moments in their development. A sector that is always on the move and one of the main drivers of the French economy, the secondary sector accounts for a significant proportion of the national GDP and covers an infinite variety of professions.

Because innovation is the beating heart of industry, companies in the sector are particularly concerned with managing new processes, conquering new markets or developing new products. Interim management helps small, medium and large companies to remain competitive in the most delicate phases of their history.

The challenges facing the French industry


Key issues for industrial groups, performance and competitiveness are not always easy to maintain in a context of instability, when it is a question of leading a change in the organisation, resolving a financial imbalance, managing a merger-acquisition or the opening/closing of a site. The interim manager makes his or her high level of managerial skills available to the company on an ad hoc basis, with the aim of supplementing or supporting the governance of the group or the management of a department or a particular site.

The role of the interim manager in industry is becoming increasingly crucial, as companies in the sector are undergoing major changes: in a context of ever-increasing global competition, they are also faced with new environmental challenges, digital transformation, and new technological challenges.

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), which has been underway for the past ten years, is largely the source of these new challenges and the sometimes tricky turns to be taken. Interim management in the industry can thus consist of replacing an operations director during the implementation of a new tool, the temporary employment of a supply chain director to boost the performance of production units, or the intervention of a plant manager to manage a crisis on a site abroad. In all cases, interim management intervenes in high-stakes contexts for an industrial group or one of its entities.

La quatrième révolution industrielle (industrie 4.0), entamée depuis une dizaine d’années, est en grande partie la source de ces nouveaux défis et de virages parfois délicats à manœuvrer. Le management de transition dans l’industrie peut ainsi consister au remplacement d’un directeur des opérations durant la mise en fonctionnalité d’un nouvel outil, à l’emploi transitoire d’un directeur Supply Chain pour booster la performance d’unités de production, ou à l’intervention d’un directeur d’usine pour la gestion d’une crise sur un site à l’étranger. Dans tous les cas, le management de transition intervient dans les contextes à forts enjeux pour un groupe industriel ou pour l’une de ses entités.

Interim management assignments in the industrial sector


The interim manager brings a fresh and objective perspective to a company in a sector where he or she is fully aware of the issues and dynamics. The secondary sector is characterised by the immense scope of its activities, from aeronautics to chemicals, via metallurgy, the automobile industry, textiles, and the food industry. The assignments can therefore target and challenge typically industrial processes, but also accounting and financial issues, or human resources management.

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), which has been underway for the past ten years, is largely the source of these new challenges and the sometimes tricky turns to be taken. Interim management in the industry can thus consist of replacing an operations director during the implementation of a new tool, the temporary employment of a supply chain director to boost the performance of production units, or the intervention of a plant manager to manage a crisis on a site abroad. Interim management intervenes in high-stakes contexts for an industrial group or for one of its entities. Managerial skills are all the more sought after in industry as the sector relies on a large number of human skills that are essential to its dynamism.

Interim management assignments in the industry consist, for example, of the unexpected replacement of a resigning manager in order to maintain the balance of the group, but also of the implementation of a job protection plan (PSE), the start-up of a new activity, or an internal restructuring. Fifty percent of managerial outsourcing assignments are in the industrial sector. Coming from the relevant professions, interim managers help manufacturers to manage a project or a crisis.

Interim management to improve the existing and prepare the future



Are you looking for a specific profile for an interim management mission in the pharmaceutical industry? Do you need a leader with managerial skills to manage a social crisis on one of your sites in France or abroad? Procadres allows you to find the proper interim manager  precisely adapted to your needs.

Procadres network managers are professionals specialized in the industrial sector, with a solid experience in the field and an unfailing managerial agility. They make themselves available without delay to take up your challenges for short, medium or longer term missions, on your sites in France or abroad. The managers with whom Procadres puts you in touch are distinguished by their track record of excellence, marked by extensive professional experience in operational management positions in your sector. Contact Procadres without delay to help you find the ideal profile according to the trade concerned and the context of your project.

You are accustomed to challenges and complex environments and have experience in managing large-scale projects in the industrial sector? Join Procadres  to put your expertise to work for companies through management assignments.